Our big idea of the week came from these apples that were given to us a few weeks ago. We'd been given two bags and we ate the first after just rinsing and wiping them. The red on the outside of the apple would smear into the white of the apple with each bite. I was surprised to find a recipe to "clean" apples on my personal Facebook page one day and decided to attempt it on the second bag of apples. It's just good clean water that you add 1/2 cup of plain vinegar to *I added about a cup* and let sit for about 15 minutes. I swished mine every couple of minutes and then rinsed with clean water and wiped them. There was definitely a big difference in how much dye remained on the skin of the apples!!!
Friday (today) was Super Hero day. My children reminded me that inside each and every one of us is a super hero and we don't need costumes and super powers like super strength to be hero's. They each made me so proud to be their mother today (they do every day but it hit my heart hard today).
Earlier this week I received a HUGE compliment in the comments of this post of mine. We've been pinned on the mommy blog hop pinterest board!!! And pinned on another site's link up board!! All because I felt a need to share with others the coping skills that I work hard with my son for his ADHD. I was not expecting this what-so-ever and it made me dance on clouds for days!!!
* If your interested in the entire posts for each day just look through the other posts from this week. They're all there as I made sure to post every day.
** And you can join our Facebook page Homeschool Camper where I share not only every post I do here but other tips and pictures as often as I am able.
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