Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Look Back at Our Year Outside

I've decided to do our look back over our year outside for our 1000 Hour Outside Challenge mainly in pictures and then offer you my thoughts at the end. 

Out of the 1000 hour goal we managed 701.75 hours outside! That pesky Polar Vortex really put a cramp in our outside time!

From last fall until this past Saturday. There are tons more pictures that I could have included but decided that these were enough. We're planning on logging more than 1000 hours this upcoming year! And I'll try to blog at least once a month about what we did outside that month and once a week update our hours on Facebook. *All other children than mine in these pictures have been used before in this blog and are the "J" boys from over at Learning Life with 3 Sons *

We knew before taking this challenge that our children do better with lots of outside time (as the weather allows) and I tracked our TV time which amounted to less than 300 hours this whole year!!! I'm glad we're taking this challenge again and I'm going to make sure we break that 1000 hour mark!

Get those kiddos outside, they fight less and enjoy life more!!!!

And for those of you who have yet to look us up on Facebook you can find us there by following this link . As yet it is the only social media account we can be found at.


  1. Not sure if my first comment went through: I have enjoyed following you this past year and am so proud of you for sticking with documenting your 1000 Hours Outside this year. It is wonderful that you see the importance of outdoor time for your family!

    1. Thank you so much and I'm so glad that you have been following us all year long. We'll be doing it again this year, facebook weekly, blog post monthly, and an end of the year post again as well! I'm determined to meet or pass that 1000 Hour mark! LOL
