Monday, September 22, 2014

Knowing When to Take a Break

We're only going into our 3rd week of fall lessons so we don't need a huge break yet...

But there's days when we do need that moment to take a break from the books and do something hands on, outside, or just plain different!

The other day this became abundantly apparent to me as all three campers were getting frustrated with their book work, giving me attitudes, and generally being unhappy campers. I glanced outside, checked the forecast, and decided our nature walk (scheduled for the next day) could happen right then before it began to rain. Just a short walk, with nature journals to happen during lunch, and then back to work we'd go!

And you know what? 

It worked like a charm!

It was chilly outside but no one minded. They all wanted a longer walk but it was threatening to rain. We did pause to visit with the neighbor behind us who has a brand new puppy. When we came in ECJ made lunch, all three drew and labeled their findings (most of which was leftover hay from the farm field), and when we got back to our book work it was finished in no time flat!!

We did take another nature walk the next day for a bit longer and during our scheduled time... I also threw in some videos about how hay is grown, fed to animals, and hay bales are used for growing gardens now.

My point is, homeschool mama, YOU know your children and yourself best!!!! Need a break to switch those attitudes around? Take one! Go for a walk, do a science experiment, do a craft or art project, turn on the radio and dance .... Whatever it takes get that break done!!!

Sometimes you just need to know when to take a break. ;-)

And for those of you who have yet to look us up on Facebook you can find us there by following this link . As yet it is the only social media account we can be found at.

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