This year each member of the family has made one public (able to be shared with you) and one private (not sharing with ANYONE) goal. So, even though I'm listing five goals here (one for each family member) there are actually ten total.
Peanut's goal : Peanut wants to be reading by the end of 2014.
Younger Cracker Jack's goal : YCJ wants to know all the songs in her new music book by the end of 2014.
Elder Cracker Jack's goal : ECJ has made a goal of being more organized in 2014 and he's making a game plan on how to do it.
Mommy's goal : Well, my goal is to finally get down to a size 8 pant again. I've made it into the dress! (YAY! Doing happy dance) Now it's time to slim the rest of me down. It's been several years of slimming to get me to this point. I don't ever want to be tiny, however, I'd love to be a size 8 again. I was healthy and happy and able to keep up with my children all day long without my back hurting back then. For me to do this I need to loose about 20 - 25 pounds (all belly area). It's somewhere around 2 pounds a month if you break it down. It's totally doable ... just frustrating because this is the second year in a row with this goal.
Daddy's goal : Daddy plans on loosing weight to this year although he's not setting a pound number on it or a pant size. He simply would like to loose some weight. Honestly, his goal is probably going to be the easiest to accomplish. A couple years ago we both went on a diet at the same time, same diet even, and he lost 100 pounds to my 30.
There's nothing new or surprising about these goals. Nothing amazingly outlandish. And yet for each person these things are a challenge. At the end of 2014 I want to be able to say we all accomplished our goals.
* And for those of you wondering what we'll be doing to celebrate tonight. That picture up top gives a hint. We'll be watching the ball drop as a family (those of us campers that make it to midnight that is) and drinking a few ounces of sparkling cider. The one I bought this year came from Dollar Tree and is just shy of being 8 and a half ounces. I usually buy a bigger one but we're a bit ill here and I've no plan for making my French Onion Soup any time soon (which is what I use the left over sparkling cider for). *