We're currently staying with some family while we look. Some of the school books had to be tossed, some were accidentally left in our storage unit, and the rest we were able to remember and bring with us.
Currently we're doing our lessons first thing in the morning while Mommy drinks coffee. And while all planned lessons are getting done, we're having a bit of trouble getting back into our usual rhythm.
I have no doubt that we'll be in our groove before long but the adjustments are interesting. In the meantime I'm doubling up on my coffee.
On a non school related note, I managed to severely bruise one of my knuckles and I'm still not sure how I did it.
And on a crafting front I've been very busy working on, and filling, baby set orders.
Hey there felony girl, how ya doin? Steal any more kids lately? Well after you have conspired to commit a felony, and did commit several felony acts, as well as your current husband, taken a child from the rightful father that had full custody, after you submitted a document to the court with a bogus notary public signature of "am forced". Oh wait I'm guessing you failed to mention to everyone that you did in fact have had two children taken from you before for being an unfit parent, and you failed to mention that you have had 5 abortions, "VERY CRISTIAN!". Both you, your husband and a person named Bob will be headed to a prison nearby soon plus compensation for time lost with a child. Try not to fool the people to badly that read your stuff. If anyone replies I'll gladly share the Court documents. Doubt the devil!