Next Sunday is Easter. So of course we have to do some Easter related crafting right? Right.
So, first up on the agenda is always coloring pages. I simply go through Google and search for images of what I want to have the kids color. I make sure that the images I do print off aren't copyrighted and are free and then I print off just the number that we need. Often I do not even keep a saved version of the image on my computer for any longer than I need to print it off. That's where I got all of the images (those shown now and those that will be shown on Easter) that we colored or did something else with.
#3 is a slightly more difficult and time consuming craft, depending on the age of your children you may want to do some parts of this yourself or closely supervise. For this you'll again need a printed image, a marker, and wax paper. And as before you'll simply trace the image you wish onto the wax paper with your marker. But, now you'll need a few extra things...
- old crayons or candles you're willing to melt
- a container to melt them in
- an oven
- yarn
- and glue (fabric glue would be more flexible than elmers or craft)
I add a quick loop in the top of the yarn, at the top of the image, so that there will be something to hang this off of when it's finished. I secure the loop with a bit of extra glue.
Then you must set these aside to dry. So either start them early in the day and move onto something else until later, or do the first steps the night before and follow up the next day with the rest of it.
Once the crayons/wax has melted you'll want to pour, or transfer, the wax into the "mold" you made with the yarn. We used medicine droppers simply because I had an overabundance of them around here and it kept small fingers away from the hot wax. It also gave us some control over how much we added to the "mold" as I didn't want to overflow out of the yarn.
#4 is coloring Easter eggs of course! Now, you can buy the kits to do these pretty easily (I get mine after Easter for about a quarter each at a local department store and then save them until the following Easter).
Or... You can make your own homemade dyes by following some simple instructions that I've found online here and get some good science discussion going on while you do it. (Not that you couldn't do the same with store bought dyes.)
Or... You can dye your eggs using Kool Aide or Shaving Cream . The first one will cause the eggs to have a slightly fruity smell for a few minutes but it will fade and not change the flavor of the egg. The second one will add some sensory fun into Easter egg dying.
And finally... You can simply use crayons to decorate your Easter eggs.
Anyway you go about coloring your eggs will be just fine with your kiddos (unless you've always dyed your eggs and suddenly you only want to color them and they're dead set on dyeing them). We usually get a dozen to 18 eggs and hard boil them then divide them up equally amongst the campers and let them have at it with store bought dyes. Part of the fun of coloring eggs when I was a kid was attempting to keep my fingers clean (and giggling the more dye I got onto them). If you are using the in the package egg holders or fingers while coloring your eggs, might I suggest you color them a few days before Easter so that you'll have time to get those little fingers clean.
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